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Theatre Asylum


Divid Glass


SE15 2SQ, London



The Asylum Chapel is renovating the building into Theatre area, cafe/bars and rehearsal space. There are workshop space on the second floor, open for the student of David Glass Ensemble and performers. The cafe/bar on the ground floor will be open for workshop students and the audience.


In the space, I will use blue as my primary colour to control the whole space, to keep them in same scheme. I want to create the space that create a feeling of mystery but fun so I used polyester fabric which create a transparency to the space. However, this transparent will question the audience of what is this space. I chose to use polyester fabric because it's not 100 % transparent, it still create solid feeling to the space. In term of the audience, this theatre suitable for all type of audience such as, elderly, teenager, children and middle ages people. I want elderly people to have fun and feel playful while they are in the space. Moreover, I want to create the space that teenager and children won't get bored, the space can be one of their playground that they can have fun and relaxed

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UK : +44 7367555180

TH : +66 862349977



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